
  • Apple and Pear Sauce

    Must try cozy vegan fall recipes

    Applesauce is the sort of thing you might take for granted, or buy at the store because who has the time to make their own. But please don’t take it for granted, or buy it at the store, please make your own because it is so beautifully and deliciously lovely. Plus we’re making it even […]

  • Thanksgiving Apple and Herb Stuffing

     Everyone will LOVE this Apple and Herb Stuffing on the big day. It’s a total winner! People have very strong views on how they like their stuffing. Some like it mushy, some like it crispy. What about the ratio of veggie/fruit to bread? And how about the bread, do you like big chunky pieces of […]

  • Green Detox Smoothie

    This Green Detox Smoothie is outrageously good for you and tastes as wonderful as it looks. Sadly I’m not one of those people who can choke down something just because it’s “good for me.” No, it has to look wonderful and taste wonderful otherwise it just isn’t happening. Happily that’s not hard to achieve. Nature’s […]